Absence and Attendance


What do I do if my Child is Absent?

We know that illness is unavoidable and to be expected but knowing whether pupils are going to be absent from school and the reasons for any absences is an important safeguarding issue for the school.

It is therefore, vitally important that if your child is not going to be in school that you complete the BF Absence Form by 9:30am. 

BF Absence Form 2023

If you are unable to access the form please either call the school and leave a message on the school absence line on 020 8644 8616 opt 1 (you do not need to speak to a member of the office staff) or email the office on:

Please note that if your child is unwell for 5 or more days, medical evidence may be requested.


More information regarding attendance can be found on the leaflet below:

Attendance Leaflet 

Attendance Policy

Special Leave Request

Approval for leave must be applied for BEFORE organising any travel plans.  Leave will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.  
Please fill in the form below: